Monday, January 14, 2013

This film is one of those fact based films that gets turned into a myth by film makers…

…I did view this film and understand perfectly what it is dramatizing as I have experienced it myself.  Therefore one can conclude some films do intend educating the public.  The subjects of the film lose sight of their reality hunt, with a surprise ending inserted into their reality, that would shock most viewers unfamiliar with sci-fi crime films.  Because of the shock effect, viewers would hardly entertain any other reality about this film, thus their truth is lost.

There are sleeping issues in this film.

Taylor and Rorke, who I am familiar with from I dream of Jeanie, are very good in this film but Stanwyck makes several obvious flub ups I attribute to misdirection.  One case in which it is obvious the director tells her to look up at the camera at the wrong time and she seems to have jumped the gun when responding to Hudson’s character in the film.   It also appeared there was intent on selling the public on electric percolators, so the sleeper might have been viewing an ad for an electric percolator which may have attributed to Stanwyck’s error.   These ads were popular in the 60’s with a woman dressed in a full skirt, tight fitting blouse and glaring look and wide smile.  If I had not experienced this for myself in my sleep and during my waking hours, I would never have deduced this information from this film.

Proxies for Reality